Bookworm. Real Royals vs 5 minute royals
BookWorm watched William's 80th Anniversary speech and it was brilliant. She says he's ready to become king but whether he wants to at the moment is another matter.
She doesn't think the king is a well man, and has the same look about him as our late Queen. His hands aren't as swollen but his right hand looks bruised like hers did.
She's not a fan of KC, and thinks that his ego should have been reined in 20 or 30 years ago, not now and not by his vile son and the Ho. His son had every advantage in life but it was never good enough.
BookWorm expects to get flak for writing this, but says it as she sees it.
Where did the two royal racists story come from, that it was Chuck and Catherine? From the Sussexes. True, Chuck wrote to the Ho but said that If anyone was speculating about Fark's colour it was not meant offensively and had been misconstrued.
This is an unhappy and stressed time and the Sussexes are making Chuck's life as miserable as the Ho made her own father's.
ARO not doing well and the Ho is sulking. BookWorm said the public won't forget ARO and will demand to know what happened.
(I suspect Bookworm's in the minority here as everyone's bored stiff with tales of the Ho's watery jam.)
Odd video this, and imo some backtracking possibly for the usual reason?