Agree. I used to be fascinated with the film & entertainment industry in my youth - more the 'behind the scenes' aspect of it (still of interest) than the glittery celebrity thing, but the last few years the more I learn about how things work in that world, the less interest I have. I know it doesn't mean everybody is an hole, and there are many genuine and talented people in there...BUT also the amount of over-hyped celebrity no-talents is astounding. The whole PR machine is scary. The whole talk-show business is mainly publicity, selling whatever wares are going (new movie, new book, new album etc) - although some make it quite entertaining. I went to a film studio a few years ago (not a big one), and while it was fascinating, you see it is all smoke and mirrors, an illusion (there was a set there with a medieval castle interior...all walls were polysterene, and "marble" columns around the fireplace were skillfully painted PVC pipes) - anyway, the whole industry is smoke and mirrors, people are portayed to be someone else by PR - all to sell the movies etc. I only ever saw snippets of Ellen's shows, not a fan of the woman, it's taken some years to uncover her nastiness. Smeg wouldn't last that long....losts of people dislike her immensely already, she hasn't got the personality to pull this off, and likes to talk about herself most of the time...