Great update from the Harry Markle blog.
Someone from the Facebook group is on Vancouver island and there is no security at the house.
They think the Russian benefactor May have asked them to leave.
Hardly any press showed up for Travelyst.
Bob Iger (Disney / Lion King) has been sacked.
Looks like it’s imploding for the harkles. Anything they touch turns to
i wonder if they will have no choice but to come back to the UK.
They've got nowhere to live; their money earning potential is dwindling.
i reckon they will have to be hidden in a nice Scottish castle, where they can enjoy the walks, fresh air, not be botherEd by paps.
i actually think Meghan’s only way out of this nightmare is to get divorced.
It was dark, damp, and miserable night in Edinburgh, but it’s Scotland so that’s pretty normal, as Waverley station became the public setting for the return of the petulant prince on UK…