Are you seriously suggesting Chas lives a slimmed down non-self-indulgent life style?
MM’s long term man pal is gay btw. Very gay indeed.
Where did you read the bit in bold? Just asking because you addressed it to me, yet I've never said or even implied that.
Maybe you dreamed it along with your skewed definition of the word 'frugal'.
I've no idea whether Anderson is gay straight or whatever. If he's living in that mansion with Migraine then he's just another freeloader living the high life on Prince Charles's dime, like Migraine and Ginger really.
Great article here from Robert Hardman
ROBERT HARDMAN: Harry and Meghan are being peevish and tin-eared
Good article. He sums up what anyone with half a brain can see. That Ginge and Cringe are stomping their trotters and pissing into the wind.
The Queen never issues edicts such as she did unless it has been thoroughly gone through by the hugely experienced bods who interpret the laws of the land and just what the Senior royals are allowed to do or not do.
I liked his snipe at Ginger re military strategy and preparation.
Like every Sandhurst cadet, the young Prince Harry had the age-old maxim – variously attributed to Erwin Rommel, the Duke of Wellington and the 6th century BC Chinese general Sun Tzu – drummed in to him throughout his military training: time spent in reconnaissance is seldom wasted.
Or to put it in civvy talk "fail to prepare ... prepare to fail".
Ginger has not a clue. Thick as a brick. All the years spent in the firm and his pea brain absorbed nothing of the rules and regulations. He assumes everyone in the world will be like his Eton teachers who smoothed his passage to Sandhurst by getting someone else to sort out his exam work for him while he lolls about doing Gingerstuff and playing polo. He is dependent on Migraine and her money grubbing American teams to guide him in this mess and all they've done is make it even messier.
He'll never go hungry thank's to his generous daddy giving him pocket money and his fat bank account, but it's quite comedic seeing them dig that hole deeper and deeper.
i was thinking about that quote when Markus Anderson was mentioned up thread.
i just assumed he was gay.
if he isn’t. This would be another ridiculous twist in the story
It's still three in the marriage though. A husband can be just as pissed off with a gay guy hogging his wife as with a straight one.
Ginger is flakey at the best of times and has ditched his family for this farce. He will not like sharing his new toy. Bad enough with Mylittlepony sticking her snout in, now it's the dodgy bloke from Soho house. Not even any polo to distract him and no army buddies to go get rat arsed with. Oh well.