Interesting read, a lot of comments quite negative towards Charles at the moment, perhaps not taking on board the contents of the article about how Charles has changed with age and maturity into someone more like his father than he realised he was. The sugar's are obviously in evidence - I even saw someone demanding the RF apologise to the gruesome twosome!
Lots wanting him to just abdicate in favour of William, others saying let Wills and Kate have time with their children, like the time he didn't have with his own parents because of the responsibilities of the Monarchy placed upon his own parents, and which alongside his strong sense of duty instilled in him by his father and mother indicate that he will take up the Crown upon his mother's passing.
Personally, I think that he will be a good King, Camilla will be a strong support for him and when the time comes William will be great too.
(Meanwhile, the gruesome twosome will still be scrabbling for click bait on the internet moaning about how mean everyone was to them, selling cheap copies of royal jewels on QVC or Meg's magic looking glass or merching the poor wee bairns autobiographies "mommie dearest - no one asked me if I was ok?!" )