Okay, I’m done and furious. I’m black British right American and I’ve finally thrown all my toys out of the prank. I have a huge black family, many black friends and myself to draw life experiences from. We never bring colour to the table but continue our lives even with rejection without the race card. Yes we need to be good at what we do and if someone is better, race is not our default. We know we just have to better. If you approach every playing field with race as your excuse, you make every other honest racist struggle less powerful.
I hate this woman for playing a race game she herself didn’t acknowledge until marrying into and extraordinarily rich family. She has never take one for the team. I speak on behalf of my black family, friends and my own experience. Times have changed and if you are not fit for purpose, the problem lies with you! We/I refuse to be victims. Every one has an issue, sexuality, gender, orientation, lack of Ivy League, posh education, junky backgrounds, working class upbringings... I hate this woman. We all have to rise above this.! Sorry, I’m so angry about Megan’s claims of racism.