Hmmm. last thread recap.
We lost a few lovely members. I hope they come back.
There was angry talk about King Charles.
There was a lot more angry talk about King Charles and the Duchy of Lancaster.
There was also the usual good natured banter, piss taking, laugh out loud comments about the gruesomes, including general chitchat about the election, Portugal houses, lightning speed birthing, a fabulously funny Chita cartoon or two, and of course... speculation about Nutty Nana's ex.
We wondered if the Sussexes were trying to inspire a "where is he?" moment about Hazno, like the globally viral internet sensation Catherine inadvertently caused. Realised not even we - who are a tad invested in this - gave a
tit, never mind the world at large.
Oh - and we learned Amiyaya might actually be Royalty. What with her horses, military links and dining rooms filled with heirloom furniture and baby grand pianos.