When they first announced the title, FF there were a lot of people, including me who said, “who does she think she is! Nelson Mandela?“.................no surprise here then!
The use of the phrase Finding Freedom is reminiscent of The Long Walk to Freedom autobiography of revolutionary, political leader and philanthropist Nelson Mandela, and it is clear that Meghan believes that there are similarities between her and the former South African President. She sees herself as an inspirational guru, single-handedly responsible for lecturing on equality concerning race and gender issues as well as climate-change and how we should live our lives. She loves to speak in clichés and phrases more akin to an inspirational Instagram post. Yet to me, I cannot see why she is suddenly such an expert in life. She has earned her position not through hard work and battling against many odds, but through marrying into royalty.
Who do we see about making her a Saint?
She'd fit right in among the Scientologists as Operating Thetan Level 8. But I bet that's too low level for her, she'll probably found her own church soon and declare herself Chairmeghan of the Board or Meghai Lama.