The Firm will have guys on stand by. Anything dodgy and they'll on them like flies on shite. And he can kiss any future pocket money goodbye. I'm actually loving the idea of this book. Why?
I cannot say it often enough, smeggy is what she is, an opportunist fanny flasher who hit pay dirt when she landed on the penis of a prince. She had already ghosted her family and anyone who'd given her a leg up(or leg over) and had nothing to lose in going after Ginger full speed ahead. Fair play to her, it worked. The Power of The Pussy.
Ginger though? He's a disgrace. Had a loving family and all the accoutrements to let him live in luxury either within the Firm or in a more minor role eventually as he claims he wanted... and he pissed on everyone. All his family, his charities, his military friends and the public. I despise the creepy little baldy git way more than her and I hope he's miserable holed up with his narc.
It's sickening that he claimed he wanted away from the spotlight and yet here he is selling his soul for a scabby fairy story book and a life in pap paradise under the very president he and his wife sneered at, still spending our money on protection when every public penny we have should be a prisoner while this present situation continues. He thinks/thought he hit pay dirt with Smeggy because he thought she knew her stuff, that she'd guide him and our UK gifted millions through the Hollywood maze and make them King and Queen of the showbiz set. Thought wrong, didn't you son?
They are up to their eyes in problems that he assumed she would/could handle and the money is leaking like hell.
Two cunts deserving of the
tit storm that will be raging round them. Bring it on.