Sorry bubba, but I disagree completely. Hazza was privvy to duck all. Even if there during dastardly plans and big royal decisions it will have gone WHOOOOOSH ! right over his head. His lights are on but nobody is home. If it didn't involve getting pished, playing polo, shagging randoms or dressing up in pretty gold bedecked uniforms while wearing medals he never earned then he had no interest.He knows nothing. He lived the high life, sent the bills to daddy, and the royal fixit fairies scrubbed away any norty incidents he was involved in.The end. That's his buke in a nutshell if he were being honest (which he won't be).
Possibly, at a pinch, he became more nebby about royal stuff when smeggy told him it might be lucrative for their future, but I doubt he was able to sift out what was important from the general day to day chit chat because he doesn't have the nous to differentiate. While smeggy was in-house I suspect many royal lips were sealed to avoid her syphoning off info and family gossip. Hazza? Too thick for a James Bond style role. I bet his lack of spying initiative infuriated smeggy.