Remember this? .....
Further comments ....
Do they have neighbours close enough to overhear?
I doubt it.
Wow, that's my first title! Lovely surprise and thanks for a new thread and recap.
I'm still feeling crap but I'm not feeling worse so that's a good thing. Hubby looks like he might be feeling better which is even more of a good thing. Covid tests are coming today so hopefully get the results soon.
I find I can do one thing and then have to rest for hours. This is the 'thing' I did today.
"I wish to register my complete disbelief that Oprah Winfrey has been nominated for the ridiculous 'interview' she conducted with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.
Any decent interviewer would have questioned the information that the Duke and Duchess provided. Any decent interviewer would have researched the subject matter thoroughly before conducting the interview. Had this happened the various lies told to OW would have been obvious and could have been challenged. Added to which, the sources said to show the British Press racism didn't occur in the British Press but came from European Press with the exception of one piece. This piece was taken entirely out of context and was actually calling out racism.
The damage that will be done to the Emmy's as a result of this nomination will be huge. People will know for sure that Emmy's can be bought. That there is no need for any nominee to show any kind of craft or skill, let alone art. And in the non fiction category, there is no need for truth.
To allow a nomination for this 'interview' is unacceptable. Unless you put it in the fiction category of course."
My little missive -
"I am disgusted that this show has been nominated and ask you to disqualify it or move it to the Fiction category.
Oprah and her team did not present any balance, they allowed accusations and insinuations to be aired without challenge.
They also knowingly misrepresented newspaper headlines to make it look like the British press were racist in coverage. The headlines shown were not even from British publications.
The show did not even feature a statement to say the British Royal family have been approached but have declined to comment - and why? Because they were not given a chance to air their side of the story. There was no balance in the reporting.
So by nominating this show, the Emmys become a joke and make a mockery of other worthy nominees..
An Emmy should go to something prestigious not something that wasnt even journalism.
It was a tacky tabloid article filmed for ratings grabbing and shown without even attempting to challenge all the lies told by the subjects of the interview. Proven lies.
Bad journalism on screen should not be rwarded. It should be exposed for perpetuating lies which have led to race baiting.
Also the timing of its airing was in very poor taste because this attack on the British Royal family was aired when the whole world knew its Patriarch lay dying in hospital.
The show was nothing but unfounded accusations and was tantamount to kicking something when its down.
Shame on you.
Disqualify this show of lies or switch it to the fiction category."