I am really struggling to decide where I stand on all this. Speaking as someone more or less the same age as Charles I would be mortified if my son was behaving like this but I would also be thinking where did I go wrong with him? If he was, as some describe him, 'a bit special' then I would have, and would still be, trying to protect him no matter what, even though he is now a fully grown man.
My problem with PH's behaviour is that when younger he was allowed to get away with everything and the RF covered it up. He doesn't seem to have been taught right from wrong ever.
This was in another post .....
"We worried about him a little,’ says a former teacher at his pre-prep school, Wetherby, in West London. ‘He always did what he wanted, with no fear of the consequences. When I warned him about walking in front of oncoming cars, he simply sniffed and said he wasn’t bothered because they weren’t allowed to knock him down.’"
Those of you who are parents would have drummed into your child not to walk in front of oncoming cars at an early age and what would happen if they did. Why was Harry apparently unaware of this and had this 'I'm invincible' attitude about him. He probably was a head strong child but It is a parent's job to teach their child right from wrong, and more so if they are 'a bit special'. I understand that C and D lived a busy life but they employed nannys who should have laid down the rules to Harry if his parents hadn't.
What I am trying to say with all this is that I feel Harry's behaviour is partly due to the way he was brought up and what he was allowed to get away with, and this is not helped by the actions of his puppet master MM.