Thank you for the new thread! The title is excellent
And if he had truly wanted out of the life, he could've asked to step down and be allowed to live quietly.
I've had a niggling thought bubble, I'll see if I can get it to make sense:
As British law dictates the monarch is the guardian of grandchildren, I wonder how that would work in the case of Haz and HFW?
Archie holds British citizenship, and while Doriana will be American she will hold dual citizenship through Haz.
If it gets to the point that Haz wants out, assuming by then Charles is king (I know, in this thought train I'm giving them both another good decade or so together
), there would be able to be intervention from the RF, no? As in, HFW wouldn't be able to keep the children away from Haz in the States if he were to return to the RF following a split. So if he did want out, there would come a point when he wouldn't have to stay with her for the children (which is a comment I've seen time and time again - even if they weren't happy, Haz would never leave because of the children).
Could this be when parentage/conception, if truly suspect, might be revealed in some fashion?
Also, would this not impact on HFW claiming royal funding to keep ankle biters in the manner to which the little sprogs are accustomed (and by extension, her)?
Not sure how coherent my thoughts are.
I just wonder, if/when the implosion happens, whether it be Haz wanting out or the end of Haz's use in HFW's world domination plan, if there is a split (or indeed, Haz melts completely), the Crown would legally have a say on the who, what, when, where, how of Archie and Doriana...
Or maybe I'm just going a bit doolally myself...
As I post this, another thought, will be interesting to see what happens with the Christening for Doriana. If Haz no longer wants to be a princess, will Doriana be christened into the CoE? Will the Royale Couple still expect bowing and scraping as appropriate for a Blood Princess (merching op, right?) even though you bastards have stolen her birthright because you're racist bigots. OH and sexist. Don't forget sexist.
Edit: I'm really grateful for you all, I received some not-great news about a dear friend and colleague who is battling returned cancer a few hours ago on the other side of the world and to quieten my doom and gloom thoughts after a while of thinking hard, I came here. So thank you