She seen Alyssa get the views from O being diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes and thought she could do one better, and do it to her child that can’t vocalise what her Mum is doing to her…
also re people saying how could Brock have not known? Brock worked FIFO from my understanding.. I’m sure she would’ve started to drug D while he was away, raised alarms to Brock that “something isn’t right with D”, and with him being away so often she became the “messenger” to Brock on what Ds “diagnoses” were. Hence why he would’ve quit his job, they started the GFM. Allannah could’ve been doing this for months and months, and with the high amounts of Valium would’ve caused D to deteriorate rapidly. And I’m sure Brock would’ve also been at the RMH and looking after the other 2 and then she would’ve drugged her more while he and the nurses weren’t around…
keep in mind his family, and Peyton would’ve spoken to him, and these allegations would’ve come to light to him nearly a month ago. A subtle way to get people to start speculating on the situation and also for him to start talking to people on tinder was possibly a way to numb himself to finding out what his mother of his children has done. Peyton, someone who lived with them, if she’s saying he’s had nothing to do with it I’d believe her.
my guess and my opinion would be Allannah will go down for this, first jailed to a psychiatric facility and then to normal jail once she’s better. But imagine the consequences if she gave D a fatal dose. Its lucky that the nurses did catch her lying tik toks and raised the issue, and then did the tox tests otherwise that would’ve likely have been the case.
Id hope the investigation at least wraps up for Brocks side before Christmas to give the kids a semi normal Christmas.
my heart breaks for D and the other kids