Hannahtracks #6 Thrive with Hannah whilst her violent criminal boyfriend is in the slammer

I see that she’s clearly still supporting him and keeping quiet about it, noticed this this morning when flicking through stories this morning 👀👀


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I think her bf is due in court tomorrow. I’ll be checking the court list this evening to see if there’s any detail to help us work out what he was charged with and what the hearing is for. I think this might be a sentencing but not sure until we see the list. Once he’s sentenced the reporting restrictions should be lifted and media will be able to report on the details of the offence
So it tomorrow him literally just saying what he pleads? And then if he pleads not guilty a trial date will be set?
He’ll enter a plea if he hasn’t done so already but this hearing also covers trial prep like timetabling, witnesses to be called and any expert reports they want in advance. It’s likely a trial date is already set. In the cases I used to work on we’d have a plea and trial prep hearing a few weeks before trial
So no clues as to what he’s charged with unfortunately. Interesting it’s a trial prep though. He was listed for trial in first week of September so something must’ve happened with that one. Either a hung jury that couldn’t come to a decision or the trial collapsed (could be for many reasons). There’s still 2 cases listed so I don’t think they’ve joined them into one trial unless that’s part of what they’re doing tomorrow
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He’ll enter a plea if he hasn’t done so already but this hearing also covers trial prep like timetabling, witnesses to be called and any expert reports they want in advance. It’s likely a trial date is already set. In the cases I used to work on we’d have a plea and trial prep hearing a few weeks before trial
So no clues as to what he’s charged with unfortunately. Interesting it’s a trial prep though. He was listed for trial in first week of September so something must’ve happened with that one. Either a hung jury that couldn’t come to a decision or the trial collapsed (could be for many reasons). There’s still 2 cases listed so I don’t think they’ve joined them into one trial unless that’s part of what they’re doing tomorrow
Will it still be made public what he's in for?
Promising as in he’s getting out? Or promising he’s being locked up for longer. Bet she’s hoping he’s home for Christmas. Do they do Christmas Day visits in prison?
I think it depends on the prison. Some of them they don’t get out the cell cause staffing is really low so it probably can’t facilitate visits
She looks so different with her nose depending on angels
I was thinking the same. Her nose looks pretty damn different. Too much coke or surgery.

Also I’ve not come across anyone else who adores themselves as much as she does. She is literally obsessed.

There was a period of time where she was looking good but was too self conscious to wear bra tops in public and wore baggy t shirts to the gym, and she was great then. She knew where she was at and wasn’t obsessed with herself. Now she’d duck herself into next year if she could.