Hannah Adkins

I'm sorry for being harsh but Hannah brings nothing to the table. She barely has an influencer career. Her YT career died before it even took off. She doesn't seem to have any professional credentials. For someone her age, she is way too reliant on her parents. She just seems lot be a big baby.
Yes, she's a pretty girl in a dull sort of way but pretty girls are a dime a dozen. I don't know her personally but from what I've seen, she comes across as quite whiney and miserable. She lacks any spark or personality.
Was she always like this ? How in the world did she snag soccer player Kenny ? Was Kenny attracted to this Hannah ? Was it a bait and switch ?
Snagging the football player may be the only interesting thing about her.
I just can't see what Kenny sees in her really- yeh she's very pretty, but its not enough is it? You need to be on the same page don't you? She seems to make zero to no effort with him, and when he is around her he seems to baby her because she's incapable of doing anything! Seems really odd to me, I think he would be better suited to someone a little more experienced in life.
I'm sorry for being harsh but Hannah brings nothing to the table. She barely has an influencer career. Her YT career died before it even took off. She doesn't seem to have any professional credentials. For someone her age, she is way too reliant on her parents. She just seems lot be a big baby.
Yes, she's a pretty girl in a dull sort of way but pretty girls are a dime a dozen. I don't know her personally but from what I've seen, she comes across as quite whiney and miserable. She lacks any spark or personality.
Was she always like this ? How in the world did she snag soccer player Kenny ? Was Kenny attracted to this Hannah ? Was it a bait and switch ?
Snagging the football player may be the only interesting thing about her.

bait and switch! Yes!! Nail on head…

she occasionally sticks on a tight short low cut dress but it doesn’t look like it feels natural to her. She’s not that girl.

she’s never going to be in agent provocateur answering the door to Kenny she’s the brushed cotton pjs type. I think you are right with bait and switch and the rest .
She completely half arses the YouTube job. In this week’s there were tons thing she said she’d link to, but didn’t. And the hotel that kindly let her stay there for free, she never even mentioned the name of the place once! Even on the insta post she’s just done she’s cocked up the name in the caption so the @ takes you nowhere 🙄

I watched a video on YouTube a while ago from a guy who had a viral video. I think it had about 6 million views and he made £50,000 from it, so she’s really not making a lot of money from views, and from what I can tell she doesn’t get many ads or sponsorships, so I assume everything she earns is just disposable income and he pays for the running of the homes?
I think it’s hard to tell how pretty she is with the filter she uses on her filming camera.. she’s obviously not unattractive but I’m sure in person she would look quite different
I think Freya is like her when I looked back on her early YT she was so much more lively and likeable but now's she is so boring and samey they all are not an original thought or style it's so dull I can imagine all the BFs steer clear of marriage and have a good time separately on these boys trips they just have the homemaker stuck in lighting bloody candles and getting their comfies on. Not a way to snare a husband and there years for having a family are passing before their eyes and they won't be all that to someone else. If I was their mother I would be spinning some hard truths. You don't buy the cow ...
When I first started following Hannah, I was surprised how different her instagram imagine (if you scroll right down) was compared to her You Tube channel. It now makes sense….

Yes her instragram used to be jet set babe thirst trap... now it's windswept grandma.


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I’m massively generalising here but I think there comes a time when the woman starts dressing for herself and comfort .

i 100% agree with comments above that her mum or someone should have words. If she thinks she can keep Ken’s interest like this I think she will find it difficult.

she’s doing what some women late 40s do . Which is perfectly fine no shade. It’s just she needs to get a ring on it first!. A proper marriage band …

I know it’s effort etc but she’s just a couple of years tops off having him more where she wants him. Right now he’s his own bloke plus he is a pro athlete ….. and we tend to know how that goes.

I do think men expect too much . I don’t think most men are worth the effort . However this is a stepping stone and an investment move. She’s come this far. The photo on the left could pass for only fans I would imagine ! No wonder she caught his eye .
Maybe she over rates her abilities/attraction. Maybe she’s convinced there is absolutely no way darling Ken would look for another Barbie .

I’m sorry but no matter how strong the initial attraction once was, it takes work to keep the interest of men who have money or power or fame .
I hope she can get the ring. It’s never seemed further away though. No talk of wedding plans other than it seems a hassle to sort it and they can’t seem to agree on where etc .

she’s seemed pretty down since he left . She’s gone quite lack luster. She is sadly losing some of her mojo . I hope she can pick herself up a bit and maybe go out a bit more and enjoy her youth
I hope the dog is ok

she doesn’t say if she’s up north or Cotswolds….

must be sleep time in Thailand if Kenny hasn’t been phoned !.


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See I don’t agree with whole she needs to get a ring on it/investment talk. Hannah brings literally nothing to the relationship. Why should she be entitled to any of his money should things go south, it’s not like she’s contributing financially. She could easily get a job but chooses not to. She’ll just get back on Raya and find another well off man.

The story about the dog being ill is concerning. I get she doesn’t have signal but surely if you were that worried you would go out and try and find signal to phone the vet rather than posting on Instagram. What is that going to achieve?
Re doesn’t bring anything to the table I agree in fact .

however it’s in her best interests imo that after such a long relationship in which she has invested her time which she will never get back (and I know nor will he ).

it’s the way of the world, she was lucky to pull a man with a decent income , there are girls just as attractive who haven’t managed that. It’s easy to think she will be just as lucky again but that’s not guaranteed , it’s not easy. Women have a limited amount of time where they can call upon their looks in order to get ahead in life and I’d say for most that time is over by 35. Of course there are women 45 who manage to upgrade their lifestyles out of the luck of meeting a man who is much better off .

Id like to see Hannah make a gain financially. Shes put a long time in and tbh she doesn’t seem like a nasty woman . Yes shes got her quirks and she seems to of had a big shift in her style/life/expectations. He is a drip 💧 albeit a kind one who has cooked and cared for her seemingly well . But he’s also a man and a sportsman at that which has to tip the odds as to whether he’s a “good bet” longterm.
I think there are question marks over Ken’s intelligence. I think he’s more likely to become “distracted” by someone in a mini skirt and high heels who pays him the attention and sparks his interest/excites him.

he might think he’s found someone who gives him something Hannah doesn’t and off he goes . Leaving Hannah with less of a lifestyle even if that’s a temporary loss . I don’t think she would take a split well . I honestly think she is overestimating her ability to keep him interested whilst he’s living away. He could change a lot given he is in a new environment and influenced by new friends and colleagues /life.
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See I don’t agree with whole she needs to get a ring on it/investment talk. Hannah brings literally nothing to the relationship. Why should she be entitled to any of his money should things go south, it’s not like she’s contributing financially. She could easily get a job but chooses not to. She’ll just get back on Raya and find another well off man.

THIS 100%.
If that was my man, I'd be with him in Thailand. Supporting him. It's 2 years not 20, she's young, it's not like she has a high-flying career she'd have to drop. She barely has a career. Hannah is of no assistance to him in his career. She can barely make 2 weeks in Thailand. You'd think he was in North Korea and not Thailand. Brat. Right now, she does not play the role of partner in his career or even their relationship. She is a hanger on, expecting everything to be done for her and handed to her.
She should have no claim to his money unless and until, in some form or the other, she has paid her dues, be it in time, marriage, emotional contribution - putting some importance on Kenny's needs and not only herself.
The story about the dog being ill is concerning. I get she doesn’t have signal but surely if you were that worried you would go out and try and find signal to phone the vet rather than posting on Instagram. What is that going to achieve?

I saw that story last night and was absolutely baffled as to why she wouldn't drive to find signal and contact an emergency vet. By putting it on Instagram all she'll probably get is a lot if messages expressing concern for Roo and a whole lot more asking why she hasn't been spayed. Even if she happens to have a vet in her followers who might message her, all they'll probably say is get her to an emergency vet or take her in first thing.

I think this goes to show that Hannah doesn't make any decisions on her own.

I hope Roo is OK. If it's the condition Hannah mentioned, then it's very serious.

Not sure it's great for someone like Hannah to be living on her own in a place she can't get phone signal - if this was the new house she's posting from.
I might be in the minority, but I don't see any problem with her cottagecore, slow-living, grandmaesque Costwolds lifestyle. As someone living in a polluted, building-crammed city, I'd do anything to access that kind of nature daily. Some people get the partying/going out at weekends of their system early on and I don't think there's anything wrong with that.

But you're right in that their lifestyles might not be compatible and they'll likely need to find a compromise once he gets back.
Chedworth where I think she’s buying because her walks and outings seem to be in a radius of Chedworth has no phone signal .

that cottage she looked at with porch I’ve been inside and that has zero phone signal

it does have a landline however and wherever she is , she needs to put a landline in for these emergencies

I totally agree she should have gone to Thailand . She should have gone to check her (time) investment isn’t about to vanish!
I might be in the minority, but I don't see any problem with her cottagecore, slow-living, grandmaesque Costwolds lifestyle. As someone living in a polluted, building-crammed city, I'd do anything to access that kind of nature daily. Some people get the partying/going out at weekends of their system early on and I don't think there's anything wrong with that.

But you're right in that their lifestyles might not be compatible and they'll likely need to find a compromise once he gets back.

I for one agree with this.

the only problem I foresee is that young men often don’t want the quiet life where pubs are dead by 830pm ..
I bet if her parents had a big family home (she said their current place is a building site) she would have moved back in with them.

It could be that her parents don't want her filming in their house. That's why she always films in their garden or stays in hotels.

My latest theory: I think Hannah and Kenny had a big falling out last time she visited him. That's why Hannah came home early. Kenny is now thinking of returning to the UK sooner than he might have, and is looking for a club. That's why the Manchester house is remaining empty. Kenny owns other properties and rents them out; I don't think he'd leave this one sitting empty and lose income on it. I think he's expecting to need the house again sooner rather than later and is keeping his options open. Hannah obviously knows all this and that's why she's not too bothered about seeing him at Christmas.

Of course he may not find another UK club.

Hannah's Cotswolds rental feels very temporary. If you're serious about buying a house you don't give up just because one falls through. Her Cotswolds 'forever home' dream may be another 5/6 years away. I don't think it's in Kenny's short term plan.

I could be way off. But there is always more to the story with Hannah. She gives very little away.