I saw her name coming up a lot, so looked her up and watched the documentary, Mommy ,Dead and Dearest. Its fascinating, Dee Dee, totally isolated her daughter, taking her miles away from friends and family, and home educated her.
Dee Dee created loads and loads of illnesses, and bullied her daughter from birth into submission and behaving as she wished, including convincing almost all mental health practitioners that her daughter was ''mentally ********''.
The only place Gypsy was allowed to walk freely was inside the house, out of sight. She might have been in phone contact with her father, and he was sending child maintenance, but, after her mum moved away when Gyspy was small, I dont think they met up, as Dee Dee always made up excuses to prevent it. Gyspy apparently taught herself to read, and how to navigate her mums computer and internet programmes, whilst Dee Dee was asleep. Gyspy also lived in a childs world of Disney and cartoons. So her world experience was extremely limited. She thought relationships were like Cinderella and her Prince. totally unrealistic.
I can imagine that Gypsy didnt feel that anyone in authority would believe her, and her life must have been horrendous, a living nightmare. Not just always being in a wheelchair, but also being massively underfed, via tube feeding, for years. I also wonder if she was sedated to keep her compliant and 'slow' ?
Im sad that Gypsy Rose Blanchard has hit the ground running, and seems to keen to exploit her fame/notoriety of her life story.
The trouble is, its such an incredible story, that if she wasnt doing it herself, other journalists and media people would be happily doing it for her! And in some ways why shouldnt she be making money off the tragedy of her lifestory?