As much as I think weight doesn’t define a person and someone who’s slim can have health problems, being obese does have lots of complications. I don’t know who she is trying to fool.
It’s like she takes a grain of truth and stretches it to become utterly meaningless.
Yes, living in a smaller body definitely doesn’t guarantee you’ll live longer. All manner of things can happen, and being thin doesn’t necessarily mean you are healthy - you might have high levels of internal fat, you might not eat enough fibre leading to bowel issues, you might smoke or drink to excess and both of those can cause cancer and other fatal diseases.
However, ALL THE EVIDENCE points to larger bodies being MORE AT RISK for some cancers, metabolic disease, heart disease, type two diabetes, increased pressure on joints etc. The idea that thin bodies are not necessarily the healthiest doesn’t negate this increased risk, at all.
Yes, some obese people will be perfectly healthy, but they are THE EXCEPTION TO THE RULE, and people like Grace who claim they are perfectly healthy can only claim that because they’re so young - if Grace is still this size in 20 years, she’s extremely likely to find it’s a very different story.
None of that means larger bodies don’t deserve respect. I don’t believe shaming people into losing weight works at all, and I hate a lot of the fatphobia that gets levelled at people like Grace. However, to completely twist the truth and deny the science that is widely known makes her look like a delusional fool.
I just wish she’d stop excusing her poor habits. I completely understand she’s battled with her weight all her life, and I definitely believe she is not made to be skinny, but she wasn’t born this large either. She’s sleepwalking into a health nightmare if she doesn’t turn this around.
There is a middle ground between disordered eating, fad diets and fetishizing thinness, and embracing this kind of pro fat bullshit and therefore never making any effort to live a healthier lifestyle. Both types of people are infuriating and unhealthy - the balance is in the middle.