Grab life by the Hauls

the boys school shirt is grey 🤢 and Layla has a contact bald spot probably because she's lying down too much

She needs to be more careful about using swear words towards her children! It’s all on video and she doesn’t know who is watching. I couldn’t imagine telling my child to f**k off all because I was talking into my phone and her child came in to get something. Seriously children come before strangers on the internet!!

ETA:- When I say swear ones I’m not meaning things like ‘bloody’ she uses the F word a lot towards them that’s why she’s bleeped it out on the recent blog! I don’t care who you are but using those words to anyone never mind a child is unacceptable
Pack of 10 sausages to feed them all?? No love, you need to buy at least 3 packs!

pack of 15 fish fingers…. To go round all those kids? Pack of 6 crisps? In lidl you can get 24 pack for under £3!!

why does she try and stretch it out…. It’s like she’s buying for a family of 4 and forcing it to somehow fit! The kids are permanently hungry…. You were the indulgent one Sam , you’ve got more kids than you can manage

what a fail! It’s a shambles. The house is an embarrassment as well as the state of her hair.
Oh, and MARGARINE to make shortbread?? 🙄
Well what can I say about her 1st December slog:First of all she looks like she has had the pizza scissors to her hair.

Says one of the kids was invited to a party but because Lazy Sam lost the invite(conveniently)the kid was only able to attend for 30 minutes
Trip out to Lidl with not many kids but looks like only her with a hot drink.

The portions of slop she serves up are meagre.
Instead of buying shite she should consider buying the correct amount of food for them all.
Well what can I say about her 1st December slog:First of all she looks like she has had the pizza scissors to her hair.

Says one of the kids was invited to a party but because Lazy Sam lost the invite(conveniently)the kid was only able to attend for 30 minutes
Trip out to Lidl with not many kids but looks like only her with a hot drink.

The portions of slop she serves up are meagre.
Instead of buying shite she should consider buying the correct amount of food for them all.
I've said many times here that she could big batch cook a few different meals once a week and freeze them. Bloody hell, it would provide content, revenue, interest, frugality and instant solutions to feeding that many people a nutritious meal.
So it's December now, Sam talks about Christmas all year. Will she take the kids to the pantomime? Christmas fayres? Cinema to see a Christmas movie? Garden centres to see Santa ect???

we will see.
Very unlikely, that's a coach party visit LOL If she planned her meals better it would create a little float of money to use for things like Summer days out or Winter theatre pantomime trips

Why does she have no clue bout shopping ?
And I agree her kids never get taken to Christmas fayres or garden centres or anywhere what exactly does she do with her kids? Why have so many if you just going to sit at home with them and feed them a crap diet and no holidays no outings nothing.
Those kids didnt ask for that its cruel and heartbreaking.
Shame on you sam and dave you failing as parents !!