If he is such an OG why the fuck do u insist on making him looking exactly like Reign Walker and acting like …. sorry who’s his dad again? Duno if she’s mentioned it before?? I think he might be a footballer
annie has referred to rrr as kings since her 1st born so how is Cairo an og king? the unwanted king that’s about it. What will she do in a few years if Cairo trades in his football for a pretty dress and some dolls
Mr B likes it. That’s all that matters still could be a bit perkier, but literally cannot be bothered. I’m too lazy to do anything about it but moan. Aha!
She gets £8k a month. I’m sure if she curbed her spending for a couple of months, she could pay for her own prolapse or whatever’s wrong with her vagina/arse/bulldog chewing a wasp face
Wish she’d either fuck off or sing like a canary. I’d love to know what she’s got over KW (although probably nothing) he seems to have more over her. Still can’t get over the scruff going on tv saying she found out she was pregnant during a ‘kidney scan’ at 5 months. Dick
she’s got nothing on Kyle not even a pic of them from their “short relationship” or “ 10 year friendship” she’ll never admit how much he provides financially or she’ll lose her poor me yummy mummy fans. She’s trying to bait the walkers to speak so her baggy Fanny can finally be acknowledged by Kyle Walker