Gillian Truita

Also they always have massive parties with loads of expensive balloons. I remember her having really plush baby showers too
I think he must be working full time & cash in hand on the side jobs. I don’t think she’ll be commuting benefit fraud considering they capped the number of children you can claim for to two years ago. She’ll claim for the eldest and the twin girls I reckon. She used to be one of my favourites but must admit that’s changed!
Hahahha why do you think she’s so annoying? Noticed her kids have new balance trainers on at Lego land today

Her voice goes through me. She’s constantly just showing off new uggs for her and all her daughters, H&M hauls, Primark hauls, B&M hauls, Home Bargains hauls. Then talking about having more kids when she has 6 is just weird. I don’t know not much relevant reason as to why I find her irritating I just do 😫
I used to really like her. Parts of her posts were really relatable. But we’re now just seeing the usual beige instahun life. I see she is friends with Zoe Booth (zoloubooth thread on here) which makes sense as they’re both the same - seem to have money coming from nowhere, or more likely, in mountains of debt to keep up the lifestyle.
I think it’s just a lot of undeclared cash in hand work on his behalf, her YouTube views & the few brand deals. I would also say some debt too, just to keep up the Instagram life.