GetAwaysWithKids April Drew

Another free Kelair holiday in August, yet she is claiming site is very low key intimate and quiet, you'd think it has 10 chalets but it's got over 350 and decent facilities still. Is that her been a snob preferring the all singing/all dancing sites or just not researching enough. To say the colobaration is with Irish ferries you'd think they would opt for a site close to port ideal for first timers traveling to France who want short drive not 400km from Roscoff.
On the band wagon for the All Ireland. Hasn't been to one game all year and there she is at the final today. Did she even pay for the ticket or was it a freebie??
On the band wagon for the All Ireland. Hasn't been to one game all year and there she is at the final today. Did she even pay for the ticket or was it a freebie??
I know.... she probably got a freebie.... she doesnt like to put her hand in her pocket.... she need to change hairdresser anyway her hair is fried and im a bleached blonde and my hairdresser wouldnt let my hair get to that stage of fried
Is she a former fashion icon? Unusual choice to judges hats. I've noticed she has some lovely flattering clothes but it's just the fringe looks so flat, she needs a restyle.
At least she made the decison this time not to travel with her brood while sick, she would normally travel with them sick and they would be in every activity/ kids club going free! Maybe they are all sick due to on the go all the time, holidays abroad, hotel breaks,free days out, god know how many camps inbetween..
At least she made the decison this time not to travel with her brood while sick, she would normally travel with them sick and they would be in every activity/ kids club going free! Maybe they are all sick due to on the go all the time, holidays abroad, hotel breaks,free days out, god know how many camps inbetween..
I’d say she was just allergic to the thoughts of travelling on the ferry and the long drive down to the vendee region. I’ve seen her comment before saying they prefer flying to destinations. I think a few of them are prone to car sickness too.
I’d say she was just allergic to the thoughts of travelling on the ferry and the long drive down to the vendee region. I’ve seen her comment before saying they prefer flying to destinations. I think a few of them are prone to car sickness too.
Id say john put his foot down and said enough..
Sure its him who does all the driving etc
It was obvious last week that she didn’t want to go there was zero excitement for going. Kelair need a new brand ambassador using a discount code does not equate to a dedicated follower, codes are often shared on many groups etc.

I also wonder do they have the vid? ..... being sick on holidays never stopped them before they are experts at going to Dr. abroad at this stage.
I wonder if she just didn't want to do the ferry part, isn't the partnership with Irish ferries too? I wonder if she asked for more than 2 flights but they didn't want to cover costs for them all to go out
So April is on her freebie and there since 12.30 Irish time and all she's managed to post is burger and chips these companies doing Collabs need to really cop on
Why do Kelair bother funding her a trip to smaller quieter sites if she is going to bash them for not been what she prefers. Surely the purpose of trip is to show other options that people might prefer not just compare it all to her favourite sites.