Not only is she annoying to listen to, she literally cuts to ads midway thru a sentence. I think I got 6 mins into 1 episode when I first found her after she was on brittney Saunders podcast and couldn't understand how twice she would be mid sentence and cut to an ad?! It was a hard no from me after thatI do understand how she has a successful podcast. She does not have an enjoyable voice and she mispronounces so many words. When she does her ads, she sounds so fake like the voice you’d put on when doing a year 7 show and tell. None of it sounds genuine and doesn’t even sound like she enjoys it herself. Tim was so much easier to listen to
I do understand how she has a successful podcast. She does not have an enjoyable voice and she mispronounces so many words. When she does her ads, she sounds so fake like the voice you’d put on when doing a year 7 show and tell. None of it sounds genuine and doesn’t even sound like she enjoys it herself. Tim was so much easier to listen to
Sorry just have to chime in and say that it's been proven creatine doesn't have to be loaded and you can jump straight onto taking 3-5g per day**I’m not a supplement expert but given how clueless Georgia comes across on her stories promoting the new stim free pre-workout blend I clearly know more than her.
There’s only around a handful of products on the market that are scientifically proven to have a positive effect on performance.
Beta alanine, caffeine and creatine all fit in that proven category however research shows that creatine and beta alanine need to be “loaded” aka you have to dose them over a period of time in order to have the benefits. You don’t just take one hit and instantly lift more or run faster.
Caffeine is the only one which will give you an immediate boost which isn’t present in the stim free blend for obv reasons.
If you wanted to load beta alanine or creatine why would you pay stupid money for NH when you can literally get a bag of them in pure form for extremely cheap from myprotein. It just shows that they really have no clue about supplements and will shill anything to the fan girls.
Funny how she’s stopped going on about the lactation supplement now she’s had to open up about formula feeding after it was spotted on her stories and pointed out on here. Wonder if they will just drop it from their product range or not
Bloody hell that’s great to know!Sorry just have to chime in and say that it's been proven creatine doesn't have to be loaded and you can jump straight onto taking 3-5g per day**
Can I just say that I was nervous to comment that in case you got defensive but your reply was a delight to read! I too am a PT however I actually did my uni thesis on creatine, but have found that most of what the general PTs know about creatine is a bit dated. It's currently being trialled as a way to offset dementia!Bloody hell that’s great to know!
My PT mustn’t be upto date with the research - I was always told it needed loading to improve strength and cycling every 6 weeks as no long term studies look at the effects on if it can affect your bodies natural ability to produce creatine phosphate.
I’ll be sure to get some down next time I’m going for a 1rep max. Fingers crossed.
Still stand by my original comment tho that it’s silly to pay the excessive prices when you can get a bag for super cheap elsewhere
Oh no I’m always happy to learn as much as I can from people like yourself. It’s the most researched ergogenic aid so there will always be new research to stay on top of I guess.Can I just say that I was nervous to comment that in case you got defensive but your reply was a delight to read! I too am a PT however I actually did my uni thesis on creatine, but have found that most of what the general PTs know about creatine is a bit dated. It's currently being trialled as a way to offset dementia!
But yes, I totally agree with everything else you said. She needs to stay in her own lane, whatever lane that is
Sorry just have to chime in and say that it's been proven creatine doesn't have to be loaded and you can jump straight onto taking 3-5g per day**
Hey!Hello, sorry I found this forum looking for honest reviews on the lactation supplement NH offer - all the reviews on their website seem to me to be heavily filtered. I’ve seen negative reviews on there one day and them gone the next on certain products.
Do you know if creatine is safe during breastfeeding? I’m desperate to get back on it when I go to the gym but I’m also very cautious. I’ve listened to the Martin McDonald podcast but it wasn’t super informative. Thank you for any help you can give @macrofriendly
That makes sense. I guess for ethical it’s not an area you’d wanna mess with for the sake of gym gains. Thank you for your quick replyHey!
So as far as I can tell, it is safe for pregnant women and if I were pregnant I would continue to take it however I don't want to say with full certainty as I am not a doctor. I think no one has really done any scientific, long-term studies on it yet, hence why there doesn't seem to be a clear answer.
Honestly I feel like Georgie expected her ~bAbY gWoRl~ to be a looooot cuter. I think Ivy looking more like Tim rlly bummed her out, but who knows maybe Ivy will grow up looking more like her instead.
I loveeeee when influencers’ babies are not “conventionally cute”. It is humbling