Its superbOmg just seen it don't do drugs kids
Its superbOmg just seen it don't do drugs kids
It’s hilarious . I don’t believe any of this crap that’s happening tbh. She’s coming up with every excuse under the sun why she can’t go to the council. Quite a few girls have mentioned it but Julie’s excuse is she can’t get there.Its superb
On insta outside the council looking like an absolute bum. Still harping on about a hotel she’s not half thick people are giving her advice but does she take it? Does she duck.Naaah this sounds like utter chaos! Where is the whopper now! I need a laugh
Why the duck does Ralphie have a ‘friendly’ lead on? She’s such a head it hurts me sometimes
She will definitely not wait around for this guy. People have said about someone watching the dog whilst she goes in to sort this out but she won’t leave him with anyone. Wtf? She can’t want to sort it out that badly then can she. What a whopper. She just wants money for drugs she will probably be back in that flat in a few days time.I seen someone ask about his friendly lead earlier, they got blocked as far long as ive watched Julie Ralphie has always been non approachable this is nothing new and nothing to do with Lennon going to her flat and smashing things up yet people fall for her lies. Hes attacked dogs before when out with John it wont be the last time sadly. Wearing a friendly harness is taking the absolute piss.
The council guy went inside to ring Gateshead council. Now will she stay and wait for him to come out or leave for the hotel. I bet you she pauses it when if he does return.
The head can’t sort anything out people are telling her all this information and she just doesn’t seem to get it. The lights are on but nobody’s home. She’s thick as pig tit.1 minute she’s saying Steph’s mate said she had 5 minutes to sort her tit out, then saying Steph said I didn’t have to rush then the next minute saying she wasn’t staying there and getting used for her money
They literally kicked her out after finding out the person she is and what money
Trying to say the price of the hotel has gone up!
She can’t even come off live to sort her own hotel… she’s getting someone else to do it!
I’m sure she was getting chatted up by some guy. She’s probably gone off to shag him for a line.All's gone super quiet...