It was only this afternoon she said she had a poo no problem this morning!!If you were that bad, why would you go on live !!! Constant lies, screaming the place down one minute then fine the next
Constipated x
She’s in for a shock if she thinks she’s gonna be treat straight away like an A* princess patient the way the hospitals are running at the minuteShe showed patients all lined up in the hospital corridor, a proper breach of patients privacy!! ☹ and now apparently the morphine has kicked in so she's talking fine and all now. Ya couldn't make it up
Hmmm I remember yeah!! She had been going on about how she has to have TWO biopsies day before her birthday!! Why would she go in by an ambulance and be dripped up thoughAm I wrong in thinking that she was due a biopsy today??
She seemed perfectly fine this afternoon when I was watching her.She said in her live that she was meant to get two biopsy’s today, but she’s was too ILL in bed, what she means is that she didn’t have taxi money to go so she’s done this so they take her to the hospital, she’s in for a big shock if she thinks there going to do her biopsy’s at this time or night
she also said “John am all bunged up” then said “ John am going to tit myself “ she’s 1million percentage went for either constipation or the fact she didn’t have taxi money for her appoint
She seemed perfectly fine this afternoon when I was watching her.
Don’t know how she can say she’s bunged up when she was telling the whole of her live about her tit just sliding out this morning!!
Thats it with liars, they forget what they say!
probably sent her home so she doesn’t infest the place!! No amount of PPE and hand sanitiser could keep you clean from that!! As if she’s still got the hospital gown on.. it’ll be on for a week probably!Omfg her hands are getting out of control the disgusting rat