VIP Member
For me it seems so immature. Teenager care so much about looks and being instyle and in the peer group, she is over 30 and has a baby. She should have other priorities. I DO NOT mean she should let herself go, no, but the priority in being sooo pretty and perfect in all seems immature imo.
literally! Once I had a baby things like that seemed so insignificant and didn’t matter anymore,
I have actual job and toddler and one serious hobby. I do hair and nails and love fashion. But I dont sit inside the house obsessing my looks or filter myself to look like a skinny alien. Shes very vain.
She has the time and money. She could do so much fun stuff with noah and explore. She pushes noah to daycare to buy fall crap and watch series at home. Wtf its pathetic. I bust my ass so I can put my kid to nursery only 3 days and spend the rest with him. Having a child seems like a such a nuisance to her. Maybe shes depressed but the world is her oyster and she leads this empty empty life.
You’d think if she’s sending him to daycare she’d go out and do something take up a class or something. I’m a sahm and mines started playgroup this month 3 mornings a week it’s funded by the government it’s from half 9 to 12. I’m gonna start a Zumba or spin class at least 2 of the mornings and catch up with friends now and again for a breakfast or a coffee. I don’t understand why she’s sent him to daycare to just sit about the house when that’s what she was doing when he was at home anyway especially if she pays for the daycare which I’m assuming she does. Could understand maybe sending him 1 morning or afternoon a week for socialising if she had ‘work’ to do at home but there’s also other ways to get him socialising, take him to a mums and tots or a softplay or something.