That's the reason why I stopped following her & the fact she was so shady and tried playing the victim! Like really girl?I’m so glad theres a thread for this woman .. I decided to unfollow her after her recent racism nonsense but she just comes across extremely rude to be honest!
i agree with everyone saying she has no friends .. has she ever shown any evidence of having any? i get bully vibes
This makes me so sad. He has no routine, always about her. Selfish.Why is he still up after 11 at night?! And watching peppa pig and she's joking about it?
Get the kid in a routine for his age before another one comes along!
I’ve been following her since she had her son.
She’s annoyingly now I think. Her style is tit, she suits longer hair too if I’m honest. And I don’t know how she’s making bank.
Unless she’s on benefits, child maintenance and getting AD money. She probably gets half her money paid via house association too. Wouldn’t surprise me.
I remember when I was skint a while ago and she put up how much she has spent on random shite for the house and it was like “I’ve spent £1000 in a day wooooops” and it really annoyed me. Because you need more plant pots and more ugly prints to imitate a Parisian theme like the rest of the blogger crew. Girl’s style is anything but Parisian.
And her son seems lonely. Never with any other kids, don’t know why she’s after another kid. Why not go back to work or start a proper career for yourself? Moans about the kid she’s got. I feel it’s just an excuse to never work again. But once Ru is older in his teens, she’ll have to go back to work.
She really needs to get this kid into a routine, he will become so spoiled if not. By the looks of photo he rules the roost anyway.Why is he still up after 11 at night?! And watching peppa pig and she's joking about it?
Get the kid in a routine for his age before another one comes along!
I was following her for a while and she was always bad mouthing him. I mean I dont get the story, but seeing how she is with other people and the constant moany or woe is me tweets - I can imagine she is hard work. High maintenance and nothing is ever good enough. Well she gives me that vibe anyway.This sounds mean but perhaps this is the reason why Ru’s father isn’t in their lives. There’s a story, there’s always another side. And we often brand men as the worst but sometimes women can be unbearable too.
I live next to a well - once couple and they have a kid Ru’s age. And he left her a year ago because she was just a complete cow. He couldn’t take it anymore and left. But he sees his son in the week and weekends.
It’s scary how she wants another kid. Why? Just to brag and show off to on Instagram. Maybe benefits, keeps her being a stay at home mother and not having to go do a proper job. That’s probably why. Hate to say it but it happens.
Like many instagrammers, I can’t imagine her in a job. She’d moan too much. She was in uni, got pregnant and went straight into doing what she does. That’s about it.
And yes, being a mother I can imagine is rewarding and difficult. But any woman (depending if you can -) can give birth. Procreating is easy. Anyone can pay a bill. Work experience? Nill.
She really needs to get this kid into a routine, he will become so spoiled if not. By the looks of photo he rules the roost anyway.
I was following her for a while and she was always bad mouthing him. I mean I dont get the story, but seeing how she is with other people and the constant moany or woe is me tweets - I can imagine she is hard work. High maintenance and nothing is ever good enough. Well she gives me that vibe anyway.
I really don't get why she wants another kid. I also think she is still pretty young so I don't get the rush, unless she knows she ain't gonna get a man with her crappy attitude.
Oh yes without doubt. Just think of all the content! HaHaving a baby via this route is a selling point for her, a non conventional route. She thinks it will bring her instagram followers, ads, gifts etc
Having a baby via this route is a selling point for her, a non conventional route. She thinks it will bring her instagram followers, ads, gifts etc
I just find it very bizarre that she’s going down this route to have another baby. I mean each to their own and all that. But for someone with no fertility issues then who’s to say that she may meet someone in the future who wants children of their own? I dunno.