Gammon Sandwiches

OMG … it isn’t like that is a small car either
if you are at a point where you are struggling to do basic things
its time to seek help … I know it isn’t easy but bloody hell
living life at that size must be sheer hell on earth
She can't even cock her leg up. If he waved a cake in front of her nose she'd move a bit quicker. She barely walks that's clear to see. If they get fatter and sicker those kids will be taken into care. They are so worrying and they just don't seem to give two hoots how they come across. Both of them are in poor health and morbidly obese
She can't even cock her leg up. If he waved a cake in front of her nose she'd move a bit quicker. She barely walks that's clear to see. If they get fatter and sicker those kids will be taken into care. They are so worrying and they just don't seem to give two hoots how they come across. Both of them are in poor health and morbidly obese

I actually think the kids getting taken into care will be a blessing in disguise
I know the care home system is shockingly bad for kids in general but it has to be better than the squalor they are living in and the obvious neglect that is going on in that household.
I actually think the kids getting taken into care will be a blessing in disguise
I know the care home system is shockingly bad for kids in general but it has to be better than the squalor they are living in and the obvious neglect that is going on in that household.
Yeah something has to change in that house it's awful to see. I feel so sorry for Cai and the baby. They are treated like they're special needs kids and restricted constantly when there's no need
Poor Lily looks like a street urchin in the new vlog, her sleeves are way too long and are also filthy. She's trying her best to walk but Ursula can't be arsed to get up off the sofa to help her!! As she walks you can see she's standing on her dress as it's so bloody long and there there's Ellie waving a coat hanger inches from her, those poor kids are being failed right under our noses.
She's not putting a tree up either selfish cow!
And while im many times does she need to say "if you're new here"
Poor Lily looks like a street urchin in the new vlog, her sleeves are way too long and are also filthy. She's trying her best to walk but Ursula can't be arsed to get up off the sofa to help her!! As she walks you can see she's standing on her dress as it's so bloody long and there there's Ellie waving a coat hanger inches from her, those poor kids are being failed right under our noses.
She's not putting a tree up either selfish cow!
And while im many times does she need to say "if you're new here"
How many times to we have to look at the dirty greasy bogey danglin slob laying down saying she's having a chill day?? Disgusting dirty slob of a woman
Katie is set for Christmas