I had my gallbladder removed in July, I can totally relate to pain of gallstones - worst pain of my life! My pain from them was always in my upper back so I didn’t even connect it to gallstones for like 6 months and just thought I’d damaged my back. But I found it strange how the pain would come on in the middle of the night and then next day it was like I had no pain. Would always be sick when I had an attack as well it was horrific. Ended in up in hospital for the first time in May when I was diagnosed and put on the urgent list for surgery. They thought I had one stuck in the bile duct but luckily not. Ended up back in hospital beginning of July when I had an attack pain that lasted days and days and that’s where they did my surgery, it was the end of that week they told me they were doing it. My planned date was in two weeks anyway but they were really concerned because of how inflamed it was and I developed a really bad infection. I went so jaundice, it was honestly the worst week of my life I wasn’t eating and was just on morphine all the time!! Surgeon said they struggled to get my gallbladder out of the belly button incision because of how many stones there were!! Can definitely say that signing those consent forms for surgery was the best thing I ever did and within a week of surgery I felt pretty much back to normal and was eating whatever I wanted. I definitely don’t fit your typical candidate for gallstones, I’m 19, so was a bit of a shock when they told me that’s what it was but I knew before I even went into hospital. I remember constantly getting comments from the doctors saying how I was young for gallstones
to this day I can’t figure out what caused them, I’ve always eaten fairly healthy, am not overweight and have no family history of it either. Clearly just my bad luck! My top tips for managing the pain during an attack would be hot water bottle and there’s a certain position you can lie in that really helps, if you search it up online you should be able to find a picture of what I mean, it used to relieve my pain for a bit. I found the low fat diet did help to cut down my number of attacks but sometimes it could be triggered by the weirdest things like lifting suitcases!! I hope you feel much better soon xx