It’s not right or culture it was a different time and society has changed ,
I was smacked as a child but then so were ALL my friends at school , if you didn’t get a clip then the kids would say your sooo lucky .
That said nobody was battered or anything just a smack nothing really heavy,
My point is at that place in time it was normal parents would smack their kid in the supermarket etc and nobody would bat an eyelid , there would be outrage today and rightly so .
I am anti smacking , but we cannot judge the past by today’s standards as it was a different mindset then .
Homosexuality is similar it was illegal not that long ago , everyone would be outraged at that today and rightly so but that time was a reality and a different time and a different society and it’s the same principle, it doesn’t make either right but that’s the way it was back then .