Gabriella Lindley #94 American girlfriend's back in the States, so it's business as usual for Gabby-no-mates

“If you didn’t know, I have a background in classical music and musical theatre.”

Didn’t she just study it a college briefly without completing the course and sing behind a curtain? Gabbeh making it sound like she is a veteran of the stage and is a classically trained singer.

Wasn’t she just at sixth form college? She’s never done a scrap of professional theatre. I could say I have a background in theatre because I did a-level theatre studies.
Never worked in the industry once since training but I’m going to start saying “as you know, my background is in engineering”

I have a degree in photography, never actually used it in a professional sense but will start telling people I have a background in photography.

Although my mum does like telling people I'm a photographer, even though I haven't picked up a camera in 10+ years, must sound better then my daughter's a hospitality manager 🤣
The ‘until I can replace my jewellery with silver’ thing doesn’t even make sense. Genuine silver earrings can be bought for not much more than a cheap steel pair from Claire’s these days. We’re talking £6-7.

(I could name some really nice sites too but not giving you tips, Gobbles.)
Ah, I have a background in Gabbology so I can translate for you. By "until I can replace" she means "until someone gives me for free"
The girl is deluded - saying oh she couldn’t justify buying the plastic bag clips in Sostrene Grene because she already has some and that would be wasteful! When has that ever stopped her? Re- buying her entire wardrobe because some random told her she was wearing the wrong colours but expects us to believe she won’t shell out a couple of quid for bag clips. And of course lucky Jane gets to rehome her old ugly ones 🙄