Gabriella Lindley #94 American girlfriend's back in the States, so it's business as usual for Gabby-no-mates

I've given up keeping up with Gabby but just had a quick stalk of her Instagram, in all these clothing videos is it just me or has she gained some quite substantial weight back? Not that it matters but there's not much else to speak of. I see she's sew pewrly again, I'm sure she has world specialists working on it
Oh great, a new kitchen to fill with nothing but bewls and mugs.
Don't worry though guys - there's shelves! Secret project coming sewn....

Can't wait for January content of her "de-cluttering" her kitchen and throwing away every bewl and mug she currently owns just to replace them again.
I think brass/gold taps with marble tops is the best combo, but I did chuckle over it not being in her colour palette and her getting rid of all her gold stuff.

It was also funny when Gabby said once it's all done she will cook more because she'll enjoy spending time in the kitchen. Yeah, that's the reason she just eats ultra-processed factory food, because her kitchen was sticky and cluttered. She doesn't know how to steam a vegetable because her sink wasn't aligned with the window.
One thing I was confused about was also how she decided she needs a new fridge AND new appliances so that everything is all white? Like why a new washing machine and a new fridge if they all work? And then proceed to say that her dream fridge is a smeg but she can't splurge cause she doesn't see the flat as her forever home? Is she aware she can take her fridge to her next home? If she's such a queen of renovation and finances, she could have just found some white contact paper for her perfectly functioning fridge and that's it.