Gabriella Lindley #94 American girlfriend's back in the States, so it's business as usual for Gabby-no-mates

I want her and scam to stay together until ALL her money has run out, then they can split up 😊

She must have made a massive dent in her finances by now. I doubt she’s making enough money to continue at the rate she’s spending, but who knows. She appears to have a bottomless pit of money coming from somewhere 😏
The hair dye stories were reminding me of the old Gobbles

Someone suggest that she goes blonde please

I think pink is in her colour palette

I was going to upload a photo of her pink hair but I fell asleep instead and forgot I’d written this

Don’t get why she doesn’t just rent her flat out and live with Jane. Bet she would if Jane refused to bomb it up and down the motorway every 5 mins for her.

It’s because Nellie doesn’t get on with the other cats because he’s SEW OBSESSED with Gabbie and/or all her friends are in Brighton*

(*anyone remember when she moved to london but all her “friends” were in Brighton, so she moved to Brighton then all her “friends” were in london)
(*anyone remember when she moved to london but all her “friends” were in Brighton, so she moved to Brighton then all her “friends” were in london)

I swing between feeling sorry for her because she obviously has no friends and desperately wants some, but then remember how much tit she chats and how nasty she can be sometimes. What does she actually do all day? She definitely doesn’t work full time hours or even part time ones. Scam is back in the US. It must be so depressing being Gabby. Bet she’s running out of money at an alarming rate too.
Odds of getting a vlog this coming week?
This is the worse thing she has ever worn. It’s not even edgy, mismatched, Carrie Bradshaw-esque fashion where it looks odd at first but the more you look the more you appreciate the fashion element … this is just bad. Like one of those challenges where you blind pick items in TK Maxx to make an outfit for a laugh.