I don't want to invalidate anyone's (actual) experience of laparoscopies here...but this story really isn't adding up to me.
I've mentioned before I had some complications and stayed in. I had quite a lot of tissue removed during the lap, and my wound became infected. I also had a lot of really bad bruising (not really anything unusual for me tbh I bruise like a peach so I expected it). I wasn't expecting to stay in and I was brought a bag.
However - I got a taxi home, and I didn't have anyone come to 'help me' when I'd gone home. Even being so sore and bruised I could walk around fine, my Mum came a few days later not because she didn't want to but she couldn't and I'd insisted it would be fine.
Anyway, I've also mentioned before I am a huge baby when it comes to general. I'm not at all a 'hard' person, I'm not saying this to flex that I was fine so everyone else should be. What I'm saying is if I was fine, knowing I'm a baby with medical stuff, and even with infections, bruising, and actually having had a lot of tissue removed I was up and about and fine getting myself home...I really don't see how Gabby could think she would need someone there with her to 'help her' and all the rest of it. She doesn't even know if she will have infections, bruising, or need any tissue out yet - they could simply have a look and see she's fine and off she goes?
So I'm basically pretty set on the idea she's having some weight loss thing now. I already thought that. But the way she's so sure about needing someone and all that solidifies it for me anyways.
What's actually weird is forever reading a thread about yourself then moaning about said thread. Go away Gabby, get a hobby yourself that isn't just reading here