Sorry I'm only just catching up with this thread, so sorry to drag this up again...
But I just wanted to add that I'm very doubtful the NHS would have sent her an ambulance unless she was on deaths door!
My aunt is a ward nurse and had covid symptoms in March. She called 111 and was told they'd only send an ambulance if she started struggling to breathe and to try manage the symptoms at home/stay isolated etc. When her breathing became laboured a few days later she had to wait 10 hours for an ambulance to arrive at her home. Even when they did arrive, they said for her to stay home and didn't take her to hospital and this is a staff nurse!
I'd also add as NHS staff she would only request an ambulance if she thought there was a good enough reason.
PS I agree with not DM'ing name calling, although she's the first person to be vile to others from her ivy, self-righteous tower if she doesn't approve with somebody else. (which is often!)