To all the expentant mums here. Please don't look at George and think this is how life as a new mum will be, it isn't. I know people with triplets, who had babies with severe health conditions and people who suffer with severe depression themselves to name just a few situations - not one of them ever purposely pissed themselves because they had no other option.
These stories that George is posting are not reality, they are not even worst case scenario for most people. Just seeing some of you finding them worrying and making you feel on edge is so sad and just shows how damaging her behaviour is - not just for her and their baby but for all her followers who don't read here and believe all the utter crap she's spouting almost every minute of the day.
She seriously needs to put her phone down and take a serious look at herself. In years to come she's going to seriously regret spending so much of this precious time with her new daughter talking to her bloody phone.
I just want to add on for expectant mothers; her version of motherhood is a load of wank. I have a 6 week old in constant pain who screams bloody murder when put down, we even spend our nights doing shifts holding her so she can sleep But every day on 3 hours sleep I get up, I shower, I eat, I clean the house. I put her screaming in the bouncer chair so I can pee. I put her screaming in the pram so we can get some fresh air. I put her screaming into the sling so we can get the bus to the shops for bits and pieces. You do what you have to do and you do it for yourself and for your baby. And I do all of this with PPD. She is in the very VERY small majority of people who have a baby and are filthy, lazy bastards. Motherhood is difficult as duck and you do grieve for your old life but it is so beautiful too. It isn’t sitting in bed naked past noon, covered in sick because you don’t want to get your kid help for their reflux, eating chocolate and rotting in dirty bedding. I promise you - she is just a lazy duck. You’ll all smash it