What she appears to be trying to say is that she had no idea how time consuming children are at the time she longed to have a baby.. you honestly do not realize that when you have a baby, it's no longer about you and everything about that baby.. you pretty much learn to put your life on hold while you care for this baby.. so when the baby came along, she had a panic attack because she couldn't spend all her time addicted to social media.. that's why she had the panic attack.. it's not about the baby.. it's not about, as she claims, trying to avoid "putting a foot wrong", because every foot so far has been put wrong.. so she hired a doula so she can get her to do the dirty work while she continues her addiction to SM..
Second, what's this talk of feeling achy because she's still healing?!@?! It's been 8 weeks.. she had a natural birth, not a c-section.. i came good after about 6 weeks following a c-section.. all the mamas that had a natural birth had pretty much recovered very quickly following the birth.. she's achy because she's NOT fit..
As another poster indicated above, she's overfeeding that baby... ORRR she has Munchausen syndrome by proxy....
I actually feel quite sorry for her. Given the amount of stories she posts and the level of detail she goes into I can only think she doesn’t have friends to chat to
yes, I agree.. it's sad.. if she had friends or even was in a group, she wouldn't need to spend all her waking time on SM talking and posting stories... very sad, I do feel sorry for her..
She really does make it sound like she's a single mom with no assistance whatsoever.. it's as though she's moved to a new country and doesn't know a single soul.. I'd love to know how she'd cope if she was indeed a single mom or a mom escaping an abusive relationship, going from refuge to refuge... perspective please, George... you're enraging your followers!!!