Friends #2 The one with the second thread

Nicked this from a post on Reddit.

I'm coming to the end of my latest rewatch and I keep finding myself wondering what happened next.

Monica and Chandler went on to conceive twins naturally when Jack and Erica were 3. Monica became a stay at home mom, Chandler rose to great heights in Advertising. They lived a happy suburban life.

Ross and Rachel had one more baby (a boy), moved to the same area as Monica & Chandler but unfortunately they split once the kids went to college. They remain amicable. Ross rose to become top lecturer at a top university (this is where I have no knowledge of Paleontology or American universities 😂) and Rachel went freelance as a Fashion journalist.

Phoebe and Mike stayed in the city. They didn't have any children. They live comfortably, Phoebe got her big break on YouTube and has a cult following for her music. Mike accompanies her on the piano.

Joey stayed in the city until he got a small part in the Marvel Universe and in hope of a big Hollywood career moved to LA. When that failed to arrive he found himself starring in a reality TV show about jobbing actors. This led to an appearance on Survivor where he crashed out first as he couldn't cope with the lack of food. He's now settled back in New York, living with his mom and dating 20 somethings.

Janice's eldest son dates Emma who works in finance in the city since finishing her Economics degree.

Ben attended Julliard before travelling the world, finally settling in London where he and his husband host a very popular weekly podcast about relationships. He regularly appears on This Morning giving relationship advice to viewers.

Janice is single and ready to mingle she lives off the allimony from her 5th divorce. She can regularly be found at the Tennis Club having "lessons" from the hot tennis coaches.
That reminds me, did anyone watch Joey- this spin off? I watched the first season but not the second, which I'm not sure if it even aired in the UK. Had some good moments, but was a bit naff and unnecessary.
Yeah I did, recorded them all! Then got the dvd set ….. series 2 was aired but didn’t go down well.
Rhere was re runs in the last 10 years on 5 star (or whatever it was back then) .
I lent the dvd to a friend n have never had it back…:no longer friends.
I did like Richard, getting confused between a Basset and a Bassinet (probably on purpose). His and Monica's story was so touching. Although now I'm wondering if it was creepy that her knew her as a kid...

i loved him too; even if it was slightly creepy 🫠

one of my favourite line deliveries on the whole show is when monica tells ross and he goes something like “richard burke? rich-rich-DOCTOR BURKE? that’s great he’s like a brother to…… dad” 🤣
Also when Ross is inviting them to support him as keynote speaker and they are all trying to think of excuses until he mentions Barbados 🤣 Rachel - 'I'm there for you.'

I was watching that episode recently where the professor falls asleep and Ross tries to climb over him. But before that, as Ross is speaking, it looks like there's a space beside the desk, where he could easily walk out. After all, how did he get in there in the first place? 😁