The parquet floors look great on its own, but not together with the paneling and wall colour that she chose. I was left gaping when she did the lounge reveal tbh
The parquet floors look out of place imo. And her bedroom is just yikes. The green with the pink
I hope she paints the panels white someday. I like the way she did her wardrobe doors tho, but it does look off balance like you said since she didn't add panels to the top most part of the wardrobe. And of course Freddy the singer had to include a clip of her singing in her outro
Luckily she's soundproofing her lounge, hopefully that's effective, might help her neighbours alot lol. I think it's just to muffle the sound of her footsteps tho, not her singing. Her bedroom is starting to look a little bit like a child's bedroom. I get that she wants it to look 'classic' and 'chic' but the combination of the colours and mouldings are throwing it off I feel.