I shouldn’t be shocked but I am, how could someone openly bully people. This just cements my recent thoughts of how she really isn’t a nice person. I feel so sorry for that poor lady who was attacked in that way and Grace at just 16, who clearly idolised Freddy.
Her mum is adorable, so down to earth and likeable from watching her kitchen video my thoughts were why hasn’t Freddy helped her set up a camera and help with the filming it wouldn’t have taken long and would have been so supportive of her own mum then just even link her.
The saving carry on in her buying a flat video is a joke when she promotes so much consumerism, I genuinely think her view of the world is completely warped. Moving out will be good for her and I hope help her grow. Some of her actions I’ve seen listed in the previous thread are unforgivable and really don’t make me want to support and watch her videos. I don’t feel like I can express how I feel about this woman. She’s perfected this perfect little princess and I want to believe that’s who she is but she just isn’t.
Don’t get me started on that silly story about buying clothes to decorate in and then scrolling through Depop looking for white dungarees because she’s always seen herself decorating in them
. Everyone has something they can wear to decorate in, even an old paid of pjs would be fine, we’ve seen how many clothes are in those wardrobes. It’s just ridiculous!