Fred & Noah #2 Nat&dan need a social media ban before their business goes down the pan!

Absolute LOL at Nat tagging a random woman in her stories rather than the actual event they’re exhibiting at. It’s @topdrawerlondon Nat, not @topdrawer who is a lady called Meghan 🤦🏻‍♀️

These pair are absolute charlatans. Their guilt based sales tactics shows how desperate they are. The thing is you will get a slight boost in income but it won’t last forever. They’re grasping at straws. Their patterns and designs are so outdated, they’re hideous! Same price as Boden and I know where I’d rather shop. They’ve had how many holidays this year and then go 😭😭 please make sure we have orders to come home to 😭😭 please keep our staff busy - isn’t that YOUR JOB? My bet is they’ll go into liquidation/bankruptcy or similar with 2 years
That ghost reel from today - they always used to go on about how they packaged things and the presentation. The way Nat doesn’t bother anymore tells me even they know they are losing their grip.
Oh because of your orders they will give their staff overtime which will come in very handy to those poor peasants just before Christmas!!!! If my employer talked about me in that way id bleeping walk out!!! No wonder they only have 3 staff who the duck would want to work there?
Agreed - imagine hearing that shite day in day out and them begging for orders then seeing them swan off on holiday every other week.
Jesus they’re just a car crash aren’t they. She shared some of the orders over the weekend, for a launch she didn’t even make £1k!
God their bathroom is bigger than my kitchen bleeping show off. I hate that nervous laugh she does she’s literally cringy as duck I don’t know how their kids aren’t embarrassed. I bet they get the piss took out of them at school
So she didn’t bother to take photos of the footless sleepsuits and therefore they weren’t being advertised properly online for people to buy - but it’s the people who asked for them who’s fault it is why they didn’t sell? I’m sorry what? Thick as mince, they’re running their own business in to the ground with their attitude