Todays post sums up just how shallow her life is - there are so many women that would love her life, home, husband & 2 children BUT none of this is as important to this woman as having a 'cinched' waist, perky tits & a false smile. She is a vacuous female with nothing to offer influencing. She has no clear lane of point of difference, she has tried every 'influencers' path - SW , IVF, 'twin' mum & fitness & now fashion. None of these have been successful, she is OBSESSED with image, designer & being thin - she's a champagne lifestyle wanabee with a lemonade budget. She could have been successful with this if she had, had an ounce of sincerity, and not been such a narcissist. She has not moved on from being that absolute mean girl at school. I hope karma catches up with her soon as her smug face needs wiping.