VIP Member
I know someone who's insides had all fused together through the condition. She had to have a couple of operations to sort it out. She also had WL surgery, then fell pregnant naturally when she was told it would be extremely difficult to do soI always wonder about her saying she was infertile and needed ivf. I know she (apparently) has endometriosis but did she even try and conceive naturally? I have several friends with severe endo who managed to get pregnant, one had ivf but then conceived naturally.
i followed her back then and can’t imagine she would have wanted to risk being pregnant for her wedding and it seemed she went to ivf fairly quickly after? Queen of the quick fix strikes again?!
(I don’t want to sound naive about endo, I know a lot of people struggle but I just can’t remember her making a big deal out of it / which we know she would)
It's weird because floppy was in a couple of long term relationships before she met mankles on POF. Then all of a sudden she was married and having IVF. I wonder if she was trying with her other blokes. Being on the NHS still took ages, even back then. So surely she must have been on the list before she met him? Or did he pay for it?