Flavia Stuttgen

oh my god the photo of her and her chunky monkey hubby - jaysus christ!!!!

and seriously, if she thinks she got a 'cool girl' shot, she belongs in a lunatic asylum. Her delusions of grandeur and self-importance and narcicissm are OFF the charts. Flavia: you are average-bland looking. You sound like a blocked drain. And you have a borderline obese, older husband with moobs. You ain't no cool girl, honey bunny.
oh my god the photo of her and her chunky monkey hubby - jaysus christ!!!!

and seriously, if she thinks she got a 'cool girl' shot, she belongs in a lunatic asylum. Her delusions of grandeur and self-importance and narcicissm are OFF the charts. Flavia: you are average-bland looking. You sound like a blocked drain. And you have a borderline obese, older husband with moobs. You ain't no cool girl, honey bunny.

Could not have described her more perfectly!! It’s painful to watch her keep narcissistically referring to herself as the “coolest everything”. Imagine being THAT deluded.
What gets me is she thinks she's chic but she's in hear to toe designer gear and it just looks trashy. Most French women are chic and elegant but not dressed in every designer label and ridiculously loud colour
She has an incredible figure but she thinks she should or could be a model.
That galloping and prancing through the restaurant looking like big bird this week was just incredible to see. Would you not be embarrassed?
Why does she think shes so chic and eleventh? The voice and the breathing in noise is like nails on a blackboard. It's nothing to do with her accent, its the thick tongue and not placing it correctly, wheezing in breath open mouthed as she speaks etc. Shes not at all attractive, she has money, she has designer clothes that she flogs after one wear. Her husband is much older looking than her and he's def shy of the gym. He makes money and that's why she's all over him like a rash.
She looks years older than a 37 year old.
Smoke and mirrors
Again. I agree with all of the above. Thank god I’m not the only one that things she’s the most deluded woman on earth. The thinking she “should / could” is 100% true and it’s just ludacrist. I really want to own what mirror she owns because it’s clearly the one from Snow White…
The Flavia moment that made me laugh the most was when she called a restaurant to ask a reservation for a table outdoors. She claimed on her stories that the only reason she managed to get an outdoor table was because of her 'sexy French accent'. No, Flavia. It's because the weather has been so diabolical in the UK this summer that no one wants to risk booking a table outside.

It's not completely her fault, to be fair. She has so many enablers - like Laura Wills - who pump up her self esteem to bursting point. I feel quite sorry for her, actually. I wonder whether she has any friends aside from her sad little gaggle of Instagram saleswomen? I doubt it.
I’ve just looked at her and what’s that pic she’s posted of a house yestrday? Obviously not hers but is she trying give the impression that it is? And calling her husband handsome? I have no words other than I guess he’s footing the bills so she’s gotta keep him sweet 🥴

Is this a “cool Mom” trend to wear your bikini upside down?


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