Fezza Chit Chat # 3

@Michy02 I’m so sorry to hear about your sister’s diagnosis.

One of my closest friends was diagnosed earlier this year and had a double mastectomy in June, and they discovered secondary cancer then. BUT three months after surgery her recovery has been incredible considering what she’s been through. She’s 45, divorced with teenage kids and struggled a lot with being diagnosed but used every resource offered to her by the hospital and cancer clinic so please encourage your sister to do the same.

Another thing we used was an app called Gather My Crew to keep people updated on where they could help, like if she needed shopping done after surgery, or someone to take her or go with her to an appt. It was a great way to keep information flowing without my friend getting tons of direct messages.

It’s hard watching someone you love go through this because your instinct is to want to take on their pain but just let her know how much she’s loved. I know you’ll be an incredible support because you’re a wonderful caring person xx
Fezzas…..hit me up with some recs for an extended long weekend in Adelaide. What can I see and do using only my feet and public transport lol.
Does anyone know of a good fragrance free fabric softener at coles or woolies or Big W or something similar?
My monster in law is coming to london next week and she has to earn her keep so I told her so this is what I want but when I search from the UK i get crappy results.
Im happy with supermarket brands like cuddly and tit. Doesnt have to be any bespoke tit.
Thank you 🥰
I’m in the hospital with my 15 year old daughter who has just had a scoliosis correction spinal fusion and she is basically learning to walk again with her new, significantly taller body. She had the surgery on Friday so very early days. I’m sleeping on a fold out chair and averaging 4-5 hrs sleep a night.
I’m not saying this for sympathy or attention but just that everything ELou does is so trivial and so far removed from the real world and real people problems. At least that’s what she portrays. I didn’t want to put this on the ELou thread but wanted to share. Thanks for letting me. My daughter will be ok, just a long road ahead. And I’m bored shitless in here. I guess I should enjoy that small luxury. Hope you all have a lovely Sunday x
I’m in the hospital with my 15 year old daughter who has just had a scoliosis correction spinal fusion and she is basically learning to walk again with her new, significantly taller body. She had the surgery on Friday so very early days. I’m sleeping on a fold out chair and averaging 4-5 hrs sleep a night.
I’m not saying this for sympathy or attention but just that everything ELou does is so trivial and so far removed from the real world and real people problems. At least that’s what she portrays. I didn’t want to put this on the ELou thread but wanted to share. Thanks for letting me. My daughter will be ok, just a long road ahead. And I’m bored shitless in here. I guess I should enjoy that small luxury. Hope you all have a lovely Sunday x
Im sorry for what you're going through and that its a long road ahead for you guys but so glad your daughter has a mum like you to be there for her in what will no doubt be a tough time for all of you.
EL is a garbage human. This is why she has nearly 150 threads. Thats 150,000 comments on her behaviour.
She hates being a mum. Im sure she loves her kids but she doesnt actually like them. She's very lucky the kids arent high needs in any capacity as we know she'd neglect them. Much like we suspect vida needs a Dx.
She wouldn't survive in the real world. I hope her stupid brand crashes and burns so she actually eventually has to get a real job and shut the duck up.
As you saod she is so far removed from reality. She wouldnt know what its like to be in your shoes and be there for her kids in every capacity possible.
I’m in the hospital with my 15 year old daughter who has just had a scoliosis correction spinal fusion and she is basically learning to walk again with her new, significantly taller body. She had the surgery on Friday so very early days. I’m sleeping on a fold out chair and averaging 4-5 hrs sleep a night.
I’m not saying this for sympathy or attention but just that everything ELou does is so trivial and so far removed from the real world and real people problems. At least that’s what she portrays. I didn’t want to put this on the ELou thread but wanted to share. Thanks for letting me. My daughter will be ok, just a long road ahead. And I’m bored shitless in here. I guess I should enjoy that small luxury. Hope you all have a lovely Sunday x
Firstly, I hope you are all doing ok, that’s a rough time you are all going through, do let us know how you guys are going with it all.
Secondly, Emmy is such a witch, it infuriates me when people refer to her as a Mother, she doesn’t deserve that title. She makes me sick. There is not a single thing she does that puts another human above herself. Selfish, nasty, greedy, I could go on. It’s quite unfair really that she seemingly skates through life, but I’m certain deep down she is hating herself, her family don’t love her like they should & it’s her own doing.

I hope you have better days ahead.