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Have you seen how much they cost 😱😱😱😱😱 I was gobsmacked 😳😳😳
How much are they? I'm so cynical about stuff she promotes, she just jumps from one "magic potion" to another but what she really needs to do is address the underlying issues she has with food!

Funny though, I thought she was "fixed" after her hypnotherapy - that pure beaut wummin that sorted her heed right oot 🤣🤣
So one sachet is £6-odd. You need to have one a day. “Same as a Costa coffee” even when I wasn’t furloughed, I weren’t swanning into Costa everyday and dropping that kinda money. Besides, my Starbucks is £2.20 🤷🏻‍♀️
But then we know Juliet. Everything at the time is the tit. That workout bloke Wolves? The hypno with Ashley? Living her ‘fat life’ & embracing? Gusto calorie counting? *insert others here* and now this drink.
How much are they? I'm so cynical about stuff she promotes, she just jumps from one "magic potion" to another but what she really needs to do is address the underlying issues she has with food!

Funny though, I thought she was "fixed" after her hypnotherapy - that pure beaut wummin that sorted her heed right oot 🤣🤣
They are about £135 for twenty sachets. But as she keeps banging on its a Premium product 🙄
The person who got her onto them has already had several binges (tho she won’t call them that) and that’s why’s she’s doing this kick start thing. Surely you shouldn’t need that after only a couple of weeks?. They are only eating like 1200 calories a day - hows that sustainable? Miracle drink or not. It sounds like the new juice plus ffs
The person who got her onto them has already had several binges (tho she won’t call them that) and that’s why’s she’s doing this kick start thing. Surely you shouldn’t need that after only a couple of weeks?. They are only eating like 1200 calories a day - hows that sustainable? Miracle drink or not. It sounds like the new juice plus ffs
How much weight did she lose this week?🤔
I'm having an Instagram break 🤪
I'm really cynical about all these potions, she is just desperate for a quick fix as usual
4lb or something like that.
hust remembered, the girl that got her on them - has her starting weight in her bio in stones and then converted into pounds (which they weigh in) and the pounds conversion is so much higher than what it is in stones. Made me 🧐🤔

edited to add: just checked again and she’s taken off the stones total but it’s still showing the lb one - which is much higher than she had said her starting weight was. Screams dodgy to me.
She’d lose a lot more weight if she’d leave the house and actually contribute to society instead of making excuse after excuse. She quit her job for “childcare issues” during the summer holidays then her kid went back to school and she just sat at home all day eating, moaning and using Snapchat filters.

Never in my life known someone so lazy, her life is tragic and she just comes across so, so miserable. Constantly moaning about everything and egged on by her friend Nicky Bell who is a total scheme rat. They both need to go and get jobs, find real life people to speak to instead of hiding behind a phone screen talking to fake friends who validate their behaviour and gain some self respect.
She’d lose a lot more weight if she’d leave the house and actually contribute to society instead of making excuse after excuse. She quit her job for “childcare issues” during the summer holidays then her kid went back to school and she just sat at home all day eating, moaning and using Snapchat filters.

Never in my life known someone so lazy, her life is tragic and she just comes across so, so miserable. Constantly moaning about everything and egged on by her friend Nicky Bell who is a total scheme rat. They both need to go and get jobs, find real life people to speak to instead of hiding behind a phone screen talking to fake friends who validate their behaviour and gain some self respect.

More like Nicky druggy bellend
4lb or something like that.
hust remembered, the girl that got her on them - has her starting weight in her bio in stones and then converted into pounds (which they weigh in) and the pounds conversion is so much higher than what it is in stones. Made me 🧐🤔

edited to add: just checked again and she’s taken off the stones total but it’s still showing the lb one - which is much higher than she had said her starting weight was. Screams dodgy to me.
Aw I see what you mean! With so much weight to lose surely she doesn't need an extra boost! Just another money making scam that she's fooling her followers with while lining her pockets sitting on her fat arse in the house
Has anyone seen Juliet recently? She’s looking great; lost a lot of weight.

Yeah I follow her.... she swears by her pur-ketones (or whatever they are called).... and she's lost I think about 5 stone she does look great...... they seem to be working for her and the calorie counting...... think she sells the sachets now so probably making loads of commission.....
She's basically lost weight by being in a calorie deficit which is amazing. The shilling of extortionately priced ketones is an issue for me. They are being touted like a wonder drug.
I honestly can't believe how much they cost. And her constantly advertising them in my opinion is bad taste considering people are being redundant left right and centre. Yea we would all like to lose weight but unfortunately we don't have the funds like sh she does to buy them. In fact what does she do as a job. So she can afford this high end product 🤔