I feel ASSa knows but wanted to push the Autism and independence narrative. He also does that all for content because he knows the more he displays Abbie, he invites views and engagement. $$. For someone who cannot work for anybody, he has to use that as his livelihood.Haha I noticed that too. How he managed to sneak in that Izzy is on salary...BFD... it's a summer camp...
Also I have a question for yalls. I'm torn which way I believe. Do you believe Ass really knows that Abbie is very ID and has no chance of working or any independence? Or do you think he is in denial and refuses to believe that?
As for Big P well we all know she wants as little to do with Abbie as possible and doesn't really want her daughter at all...being she is as severe as she is.
Lemme know what yall think!
P on the other hand checked out as I think she accepted the reality very early on and treated Abbie as a total write-off. I imagine both A and P having that argument about who should go out to work and who should take care of Abbie. I think P if she could have her way, will continue her in JSA or a Daycare. It's ASSa who keeps her at home because he thinks he can do better.