VIP Member
Open letter to Mr and Mrs Simon Hooper:
from what you have said on your instagram accounts you both have jobs, and not minimum wage jobs; you have a roof over your heads, albeit it slightly leaking in places; you have four healthy children; and now two healthy dogs. Your home is perfectly habitable and does not need anything done to it. Now is not the time to try and boost your Instagram following in the pursuit of sponsorship or gifts, especially not by posting insensitive and inane video clips and pictures. People are living on the bread line. They have lost their jobs and face losing their homes. There are rough sleepers whose leaky roof is the sky and whose draughts come from the freezing open air. People don't have the spare cash to buy a pedigree dachshund, possibly priced in four figures. And if you have that much disposable income you don't need to be touting for freebies. And people are dying in their thousands. 100,000 have died from covid in the UK in the past 12 months. Have you missed this? Instead of whinging about lockdown have you considered those who have lost loved ones? None of this is reflected in your accounts. Don't respond by suddenly trying to turn into Saint Simon, it just won't work. For once though, consider others, and act like the grown up you are supposed to be.
So perfectly worded. 100% this