VIP Member
I think they thought they could get away with that half arsed tit and everything would just carry on the sameImagine for one second if clemmie had properly owned Alice last year. I’m not talking about one lame story and account gone. I’m talking proper apology grid post, stories, educating herself with racism, online bullying... the brand would be dented but they would still be earning free shits and paid posts. I wonder what made they decide to go with the worst option ever. Was her ego bigger then the prospect of financial ruin ? did her trust forbid her to use social media if she still want to practice ? Did they really think it would go away on its own ? There is a piece of the puzzle missing in this whole disaster.
Like you say would it have killed them to issue something permanent and heartfelt Because they didn’t it’s certainly killed their ‘brand’
I think she genuinely felt she hadn’t done anything to apologise for, the apology she gave came off begrudged