I agree with your assessment RE Netflix, that, she overheard someone really asked at the party or through her social snooping, or as someone else mentioned a PA was mass emailing all kinds of people in the area unlike her insinuation she and SK Chaz were approached by Netflix to star in a show. She doesn’t even have that much social media presence in the grand scheme of things. The truth always is somewhere within a bunch of lies and boasting about themselves with these two, nothing is as she makes it look.
Remember, this is the woman that said when they went to a party of premiere with Idris Elba that he was so taken with Charlie that he told him he MUST be a producer! Hmmmm…now, no one would say no to that opportunity, and he certainly has pull. Wonder why we never heard about that again?! Those two lie so easily, it’s disturbing!
I actually think their past racist tweets and Chaz’s ones could come back to haunt them. Prince Harry was, they thought, huge get for them. A son of Diana, a born prince who has been famous his whole life. They just miscalculated how much Megan (who I have had the displeasure of meeting and is just awful) and Harry aren’t interesting people who make interesting content. Who are Josie and Chaz? A YouTuber with 500k subs and her unemployed husband? That is quite different. Unless they needed a villain edit for Chaz, that might be easy!
If, and I think it is a big if, they were contacted about this show, it would be a disaster for them. Chloe edits her and Charlie to appear in the best light possible., and with that they come across as greedy social climbing posers, who lie and grift and appear to be rude to each other and snobby to everyone and everything that is below their Lord and Lady standards. And these vlogs are their best edit! Charlie can’t claim a trust fund or a job…what in the world would they say about their lives that people couldn’t disprove? I think the true edit of their lives, their real lives….if we think Chaz is horrible and a mainsplaining
twit now and Josie a greedy, insipid social climber, I think the reality is far worse than we see. I couldn’t imagine what an edit out of their control would look like. Their real lives must be misery soothed by free gilets and the only bind holding them together is a shared view that their “haters“ are soooo jealous of their life they pretend to have.
I also wonder how she gets invited to parties like that. I just assume people don’t pay attention to her social media. Because if I knew a guest was taping herself the night after saying the types of people at my party, she would no longer be invited to my parties. People are people and they want to party without some wannabe leech bragging about royalty and politicians and seeing them up close instead of on TV. They aren’t a zoo exhibit. Go and conduct yourself with class, thank the hosts if they are okay with it and say how wonderful it was. No need to go drooling over your next “friend” aka mark they want to latch onto to gain the credibility they have made up in their heads.
Now if Josie has a spine and divorces the bum, while I very much dislike who she became, I would tune into a show about that, and I don’t watch reality!